
2018年1月11日—10essentialVimplugins·1.fzf·2.lightline·3.vim-multiple-cursors·4.vim-eunuch·5.surround·6.NERDTree·7.EditorConfig.,,2021年3月9日—5Must-HaveVimPluginsThatWillChangeYourWorkflow·OnethingVimusersloveabouttheirfavoritetexteditorisit'sseeminglyendless ...,2022年7月23日—Youwon'tfindtheNERDTree,ALE,surround-vimandalltheotherbignamesonthislist-there'salreadyagazillionofVIMplugin ...,2023...

10 essential Vim plugins

2018年1月11日 — 10 essential Vim plugins · 1. fzf · 2. lightline · 3. vim-multiple-cursors · 4. vim-eunuch · 5. surround · 6. NERDTree · 7. EditorConfig.

5 Must

2021年3月9日 — 5 Must-Have Vim Plugins That Will Change Your Workflow · One thing Vim users love about their favorite text editor is it's seemingly endless ...

Fantastic (and lesser known) VIM Plugins in 2023

2022年7月23日 — You won't find the NERDTree, ALE, surround-vim and all the other big names on this list - there's already a gazillion of VIM plugin ...

Great VIM Plugins in 2023

2023年7月29日 — An opinionated list of useful and well-rounded VIM plugins as of 2023. Linting, commenting, fuzzy finding, mass editing, advanced text ...

Must have plugins

2024年1月27日 — I like dark high contrast so I recommend NightFly, MoonFly, and Pop Punk. I'll say what I always say: vim-fzf has changed my life. Searching ...

The 12 Best Vim Plugins to Improve Your Workflow

2022年7月8日 — The 12 Best Vim Plugins to Improve Your Workflow · 1. NERDTree · 2. Emmet-vim · 3. vim-gitgutter · 4. commentary.vim · 5. vim-airline · 6. fzf · 7.

Top 10 Vim plugins for programming in multiple languages

2019年11月19日 — Top 10 Vim plugins for programming in multiple languages · 1. Volt · 2. Vim-Rainbow · 3. lightline · 4. NERDTree · 5. NERD Commenter · 6.

Top 15 Vim plugins you need to know about

2020年8月3日 — 15 Essential Plugins for VIM · 1. The NERD Tree · 2. Tabnine · 3. Syntastic · 4. ack.vim · 5. ALE – Asynchronous Lint Engine · 6. fzf ❤️ vim – fzf.vim.

What are your must

2022年5月9日 — I'm in the mood to upgrade my workflow, and was wondering if there are any plugins you feel add extraordinary value to your vimming ...

備忘。vim  256色 色彩設定

備忘。vim 256色 色彩設定



